600 Broadway Suite 112, Seattle, WA | (206) 939-6633 | info@conciergeMDderm.com
Hello All — I’m going to assume you all have gotten the second letter by now that has the information about how to access your medical records and also some recommendations for other providers. I’m as frustrated as you are with the medical records access. The problem isn’t Cariend who is the provider. The problem is getting Modernizing Medicine (the EMR) to do the data transfer in a timely manner. They are still dragging their feet and I’m thinking this will take another month to be completed. They will complete it!
Warm regards, Dr. Irwin
Our phones will be closing at noon today as we are permanently closed now. Please email info@conciergeMDderm.com if you need to reach me and allow at least 48 hours for a reply.
With much affection, Dr. Irwin
We are posting this today with a heavy heart. In the past few months, I’ve had a recurrence of a heart arrhythmia problem. Some of you might remember that I had a heart procedure back in 2020. Since I really must now reduce work stress and free up time to get the medical care that I need, I am closing the clinic (Concierge Dermatology & Laser) at the end of January. I know this is sudden but am hoping you all will understand.
Our team will do our best this month to accommodate any of you who really need to get in this month for procedures.
Caring for you has been a privilege and has kept joy in my professional life over all these years. Because of this, I don’t completely rule out the possibility of a limited practice in a colleague’s clinic perhaps in the future. Unfortunately, the future isn’t written, and I can’t guarantee this. If this does eventually make sense from a health perspective, I’ll let you know the particulars right away.
We will communicate you all again towards the end of January to give you more information, including how you can get your medical records sent to other clinics, if needed. Any updates will be posted here after our phones are turned off.
Warm regards,
Brandith Irwin, MD